Monday, January 29, 2007

Okey, everyone knows that all red blooded 'North Americans' love their coffee. Then there are those red blooded 'North Americans' that swear by their 'Green Tea' or any tea for that matter. So what's good for you? Coffee or Tea? Honestly I don't know. Both have their 'Yins' and 'Yans'. I love tea, not because I sell it, but solely because like wine tea accompanies food so much better. Now that's something new. Isn't it?
Tea is not just a 'stand alone' beverage that you sip between the meals. It is also a very versatile natural drink that goes perfectly well with food. Unlike coffee, tea naturally complements food by rounding off its flavors. Without smothering your appetite tea fills those flavor gaps in a dish that if left unfulfilled leave you craving for more food. This sating property of tea, by itself makes it a healthier food accompaniment then water or wine. But then tea is known to have other health benefits.
Theres loads of interesting information about 'tea and food pairing' at . Just check it out and then lets argue about whats better, tea or coffee.
Till next time